Have any questions about our services? We’ve got you! We want you to feel totally comfortable and know all about what we do here at Bloodline Beauty, so we’ve broken down our most frequently asked questions for you. Please feel free to take a look below, and contact us with any more questions!
Cassie isn’t currently accepting new nail appointments, so online booking is not currently open. The best way to watch for new openings are to follow @cassie_nailz on Instagram and keep an eye on her posts and stories! (click here to head there now!)
Any changes made to your appointment must be done so more than 24 hours prior to your appointment time. This includes cancelling, rescheduling, or removing any services you’re booked for. Making any changes within 24 hours of your appointment time will result in a charge of 50% of your service cost. If you no call/no show (aka don’t show up to your appointment without any notice) you’ll be subject to a fee of 100% of your service cost, and you will be unable to schedule any further appointments until your fee is paid. We thank you for respecting us and our time by following these policies!
Hair must be a quarter inch in length to be removed effectively. Anything shorter than this length is not a guarantee that those shorter hairs will be removed.
Yep! Before you arrive or when you arrive, you will want to insert a fresh tampon and we're good to go! Some clients also choose to take 2 advil/ibuprofen 30 minutes before appointment if they are feeling a little extra sensitized.
Start prepping your skin by exfoliating a week prior to your appointment using either a scrub in the shower or a dry brush, wear loose clothing to your appointment and nothing skin tight, come in for service!
If you are a new facial client and I have not seen you before for a facial you will select ‘ Classic facial’ regardless if you have been doing intense skincare treatments. I form a relationship with everyones skin before we go hard!
Sunless spray tanning isn't like a traditional spray tan. There are no cosmetic bronzers or dyes in the solution which means when you leave your appointment you will look the same, zero color. This solution develops over a 3-10 hour time frame and maximizes at 10-24 hrs. I recommend wearing loose fitting clothing like long skirt, sweats, no bra if possible,etc. and taking it easy all day. You will want to sleep in your sunless tan solution and rinse off in the morning gently massaging warm water not HOT into the skin and then get out and apply a water based lotion like hempz all over the body.